Friday, July 1, 2011

Lateral epicondyle bursitis

Coronal STIR image shows focal hyperintense signal (fluid signal) in the region of lateral epicondylar bursa suggestive of bursitis. No evidence of altered marrow signal intensities.

 Axial T2 fat suppressed image showing fluid collection in bursa.
Sagittal image showing the hyperintensities.

The inflammation of the lateral epicondyle bursa which should not be mistaken for the lateral epicondylitis/tennis elbow.
Lateral epicondylitis, colloquially refereed to as “tennis elbow“ presents as pain and tenderness over the common extensor tendon insertion on the lateral epicondyle elicited by active supination of the forearm and dorsiflexion of the wrist.
The MRI appearance of lateral epicondylitis is thickening and/or increased signal intensity in the common extensor tendon can be seen on T2-weighted spin echo, T2*-weighted gradient-echo or STIR images in the coronal plane. Fat-suppressed Fast spin-echo sequences are particularly useful. The underlying bone marrow may show changes.
The MRI appearance of the lateral epicondyle bursitis is variable fluid collection within the bursa. No marrow altered signal intensity seen.

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